Facelift Surgery Risks And Safety

Facelift Surgery Risks And Safety

Posted on December 20, 2018

Facelift cosmetic surgery is a complex procedure as it involves the intricate and delicate structures of the face. A judicious surgeon will make sure that the patient understands the potential risks and complications associated with facelift surgery to enable them to make a well-considered decision. Moreover, the patient will need to sign consent forms declaring […]

Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon Before Facelift Surgery

Posted on December 15, 2018

The face is a complex area of the body from a cosmetic point-of-view. Therefore, only a highly trained and experienced plastic surgeon should undertake a significant procedure such as facelift cosmetic surgery. The patient should identify a well-qualified surgeon and ask relevant questions at the time of the pre-op consultation to garner clarity on the […]

Are You a Suitable Candidate for a Facelift?

Posted on December 5, 2018

Facelift plastic surgery (rhytidectomy) is a procedure meant to mitigate facial signs of aging and wrinkles. This surgery aims to enhance the appearance of the face and the jaw in a comprehensive manner. Facelift surgery can help the patient appear more youthful by countering the adverse effects of stress, aging, and time. A sagacious and […]

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