Plastic Surgery Blog: Are Facebook and Skype Responsible for the Increase in Plastic surgery?

Plastic Surgery Blog: Are Facebook and Skype Responsible for the Increase in Plastic surgery?

Posted on June 5, 2017

Plastic Surgery Blog: Are Facebook and Skype Responsible for the Increase in Plastic surgery?There is no doubt that social media has changed the way we look at ourselves and others. These mediums have allows us to show ourselves more than ever, more often than we  did before. This was a status or curse, (depending on how you look at it) that previously was only imposed upon celebrities. According to a recent online industry article people can now use Facebook, Twitter, and Skype to assess their appearance in the way others see them versus what they see when they look in the mirror. In plastic surgery, it is not uncommon for patients to tell their plastic surgeon that they are considering facial rejuvenation because they do not like what they see when they look in the mirror. Now the mirror has been replaced with how they look on Skype, or Facetime. One plastic surgeon actually marketed a procedure created for the social media population called the Facetime facelift. According to the article, patients are requesting chin augmentation to have a sharper jawline and better balance facial features which in turn creates a cleaner profile for Facebook photos. Rhinoplasty is also a procedure that is enjoying increased popularity due to the appearance of the nose when holding the iPhone at arm’s length. Wrinkles are more noticeable with HD, causing more patients to request injectables including Botox and fillers. The job market has also created a spike in plastic surgery. Many job interviewers now seek online interviews using video to interview the prospect. In this case, looking youthful can make a difference in creating a positive first impression. Dr. Kim advises patients that choosing to have cosmetic plastic surgery should never be based on a desired look in a photograph or video. Plastic surgery is a serious choice and should be considered carefully. As an artist and skilled plastic surgeon Dr. Kim evaluates the patients total appearance before making a specific recommendation. Patients tend to focus on one attribute of their face instead of their appearance cumulatively. For example, patients who are considering chin augmentation should also consider in some cases, rhinoplasty and liposuction of the neck to improve their overall appearance and profile. Dr. Kim encourages patients who are considering cosmetic plastic surgery to schedule a consultation and determine which cosmetic surgery procedures are best for them.

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