Breast Augmentation: The Incision Decision

Breast Augmentation: The Incision Decision

Posted on June 12, 2017

Breast augmentation can be scary for many reasons.  The leading concern with breast augmentation is in the question of where the incision will be made.  Dr. Kim provides many options for this and dependant upon the type of breast augmentation taking place, Dr. Kim will explain the different incision areas available to you.

Some of the different incision areas available are of the following:
TUBA Incision-made within the navel or belly button
Transaxillary Incision-made in the transax otherwise known as the armpit
Periareolar Incision-made around the outline of the areola
Inframammary Incision-made in the crease or fold where the breast meets the chest

Of course, Dr. Kim and Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery are highly experienced and extremely skilled in each type of incision.  Dr. Kim with revise each incision point, and help you chose the best incision area for you and your body in accordance to the type of breast augmentation surgery you’re undergoing.

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery serves the Beverly Hills and Los Angeles area.  For additional information about breast augmentation surgery or other types of plastic surgery, please continue to browse through the Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery website and contact us to set up a consultation with Dr. Kim.

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