Can Money Make Your Man Lose Weight?

Can Money Make Your Man Lose Weight?

Posted on June 8, 2017

Can Money Make Your Man Lose Weight?Interestingly enough, it appears as though when it comes to losing weight men are very motivated by money. According to KTLA competition in cash may be just the incentive men need to lose weight, according to a study released this month. The study, sponsored by Healthy Wage, a wellness program that pays participants to lose weight no matter which weight-loss plan they follow, followed 66 employees from different large companies over six-month. Each participant bet $100 that he or she would lose 10 percent or more of their total body weight. If the participants reach their goals, they would each win $400. At the completion of the study, 63 percent of men had achieved the challenge, but only 15 percent of the women had. While its not really surprising that men responded better to competitive, scenarios similar to games, this innate quality appears to prove that this approach can be effective and particularly favorable in competitive, prize-driven weight loss endeavors , according to HealthyWage co-founder David Roddenberry.  Such efforts tap into the male drive for competition and a desire to win. It is no secret that men are held to a different standard when it comes to their appearance. We do know that losing weight is primarily for health reasons but it is undeniably an appearance issue as well. Men often find as they age it is more difficult to lose the abdominal thickness that can cause their waist size to increase by as many as two to three sizes. Dr. Kim explains that for male patients liposuction is an excellent solution. Dr. Kim is an artist as well as a plastic surgeon and therefore is able to sculpt the abdominal area both the front, sides and around the back to create a much more aesthetically pleasing waistline. More men are now realizing that liposuction results are superior to diet and exercise alone.

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