Choosing The Best Plastic Surgeon to Remove Your Breast Implants

Choosing The Best Plastic Surgeon to Remove Your Breast Implants

Posted on February 5, 2020

Choosing The Best Plastic Surgeon to Remove Your Breast ImplantsPatients considering a breast implant removal cosmetic surgery should be aware that it can be a more complex procedure compared to their primary breast augmentation. 

If you have previously had an unsatisfactory experience with your breast implantation, it is essential to look for a surgeon who has proven skills and experience to perform the implant removal without complications. 

Your surgeon should be able to eliminate any leakage of silicone or other problems that may arise during the surgery. Start by seeking for a surgeon who has experienced with all types of breast cosmetic procedures, and knows the kind of medical issues that may manifest themselves with implants. This surgeon will be more cautious when taking out your breast implants. 

It is best if your plastic surgeon has the certification from the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). Any doctor may claim to be a plastic surgeon, but only plastic surgeons would have the appropriate surgical training and expertise to perform breast implant removal. The website of ABPS lists the names of all surgeons.

plastic surgeon Dr. David Kim provides breast implant removal to patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA, and surrounding locations.

En Bloc Breast Implant Removal Technique

Your breast implant removal surgeon should have adequate experience in en bloc removal procedures. This is the surgical technique where the surgeon will take out the scar tissue (or capsule) and implant together, with the breast implant still inside the undamaged scar tissue capsule. This is especially important if your breast implants are filled with silicone gel, are significantly damaged, or very old. 

During the en bloc implant removal procedure the silicone gel and other chemicals stay inside the intact scar tissue capsule while it is being removed. This surgery prevents silicone, bacteria and other chemicals from leaking into the body of the woman during surgery. It often requires a slightly larger cut (which might imply a bigger scar), but it is essential because it checks the leakage that can cause serious health problems.  

Bear in mind that en bloc removal surgery may not be undertaken in all situations, and your surgeon will not come to know if an en bloc procedure is possible until you are in surgery. For instance, if the scar tissue capsule is attached tightly to the wall of the chest or is very thin, en bloc removal may not be performed for your own safety. 

Total Capsulectomy

En bloc removal is at times also known as total capsulectomy, but these are actually two distinct procedures. A total capsulectomy may not be carried out using the precise en bloc technique. A total capsulectomy involves the withdrawal of the implants and the complete scar tissue (or capsule that is created around a breast implant). However, during a total capsulectomy, the breast implant is not essentially removed while it is still inside the intact scar capsule (which is the en bloc method). 

The Final Decision is Yours

After you have chosen a plastic surgeon experienced in breast implant removal, there are many questions you may want to ask your surgeon to feel reassured that you are making the right decision. 

You may ask the surgeon how many en bloc or total capsulectomy plastic surgery procedures they have performed in the past. You may also seek to meet with one of your surgeon’s previous patients who has had en bloc explantation to know of her experience. 

Finally, you should ask for before and after pictures of one or more of the cosmetic surgeon’s own patients. It’s crucial that you and your surgeon are on the same page about your expectations from the surgery.

Cosmetic surgeon Dr. David Kim receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, CA, and nearby areas for breast implant removal.

For more information on the surgical and non-surgical procedures and treatments by Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons Dr. David Kim and Dr. Eugene Kim.  Click here to contact us today.

Serving Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Orange County, Southern California and surrounding areas.

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