Fooling Yourself Into Eating Less

Fooling Yourself Into Eating Less

Posted on June 5, 2017

Fooling Yourself Into Eating LessThe battle to lose weight is challenging. Cutting calories along with a consistent exercise program is going to yield the best results. But, eating less is one of the most difficult task people have to accomplish. According to recent online article its a lot easier than we think to cut calories. According to the article you can actually fool yourself into believing that youre eating more than you really are. For example, choosing a plate with a big border will help you to eat less. Preliminary research from Brian Wansink, PhD, director of the Cornell University food and Brand Lab “Plates with border designs visually reduce the size of the plate, prompting diners to serve themselves less food,” he explains. The result is you eat fewer calories. Research shows us that most people will not serve over the margin created by the coloring of the plate. Instinctively for most people it would be like coloring outside of the lines. It can also be helpful to grab a larger fork. One study showed that people who had a larger fork consumed about 10% less than those who had a smaller fork. With a large fork food is consumed faster and your brain believes that you had eaten more. Another trick would be to select plates that are similar to the color of your tablecloth or placemat instead of colors that contrast. A study that was published in The Journal of Consumer Research found that those who served themselves added less to their plate when their plate matched the tablecloth or placemat. Choosing smaller plates( usually between 12 and 10 inches) also reduces your caloric intake by more than 20% by tricking your brain into believing that the serving is bigger than it really is. These changes, although they are small can make a substantial difference. Dr. Kim reminds patients that choosing to reduce their weight not only affects their health but also their appearance. It is important for patients who have had cosmetic surgeries like breast augmentation or liposuction to make an effort to maintain a stable weight. Weight fluctuation can negatively impact the results. Breast augmentation patients can begin to see a sagging component to their breast with weight fluctuation. Liposuction patients can find that their results are no longer proportional after significant weight gain. Patients who are considering cosmetic surgery procedures are encouraged to contact Dr. Kim and schedule a consultation.

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