Hyper-Expressive Face and Wrinkles in Your 20s
Posted on August 30, 2018Your 20s and 30s present new challenges and adventures. In addition to new professional and personal opportunities, these years are also a critical time for preparing your skin to ensure it looks healthy for decades to come. For patients with hyper-expressive faces, the natural slow-down of collagen production that happens with age can mean noticeable wrinkles and fine lines in the not-so-distant future.
What Causes Wrinkles?
Collagen and elastin are important for keeping skin looking smooth and supple. However, natural aging, genetics, sun damage, and environmental factors can all influence and slow the production of these compounds. By the time an individual reaches their 30s, collagen production slows, causing fine lines to appear. These eventually form the basis for wrinkles and deep creases to develop in the coming decades. Rather than waiting to treat the inevitable when it happens, preventive treatments with Botox gives patients the opportunity to take control of the aging process.
The Advantages of Preventive Botox
While Botox remains a popular treatment for patient well into the aging process, studies have suggested that catching wrinkles early is a more effective solution for hitting pause on aging. In recent years, there has been an uptick in younger male and female patients seeking preventative Botox.
Studies have shown that, when injected correctly and early in the aging process, Botox can help stall the development of wrinkles across the face. As Botox temporarily paralyzes wrinkle-creating muscles, preventive forms of this treatment keep deep creases from forming. With consistent follow-up visits, strategic injections help soften developing creases, allowing patients to age gracefully without worrying about appearing frozen or expressionless.
Getting Preventive Botox at BHPS
The aging process starts differently for every patient. While some individuals may not develop wrinkles until they’re in their 30s, individuals with hyper-expressive faces are at risk for developing fine lines by their mid-20s. At BHPS, we recommend patients come in for a preventive Botox consultation when they notice the development of fine lines. During this visit, our team evaluates the depth of these fine lines and asks a series of in-depth questions to identify factors such as genetics or behavioral habits that may accelerate the aging process. From there, we’ll create a treatment strategy that keeps your appearance at its most youthful and develop a long-term strategy for keeping your face looking naturally smooth.
Get Started Today! Schedule Your Consultation
Take control of your skin’s unique aging process. Contact BHPS today and schedule your preventive Botox consultation. By creating a customized treatment process that fits your lifestyle, our team of specialists can help you get back to enjoying today while preparing for the future.