Is Food the New Medicine?
Posted on April 21, 2008Food is a necessary staple of life. Marketers are now trying desperately to understand if food can serve as more than just nourishment to the body. According to a recent online article as far back of the mid-19th century Americans follow John Harvey Kellogg’s regime of whole grains, nuts, and frequent enemas with the idea that food is also medicine. Untold numbers of books and websites are devoted to promoting the benefits of “super foods”such as a acai and goldenberry, Chia, coconut and flax, nuts, seaweeds and many more. Many of the foods carry health claims that according to Walter Willett a chairman of the department of nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health and a professor at Harvard Medical School “go light-years beyond the scientific evidence.” What is often missing from the health claims is the fact that the ingredients that are touted as healthy are usually boosted with some sort of flavoring so that the American palate will accept the flavor. With this, the food is often no longer what can honestly be considered healthy. When viewing food as medicine technically it falls under the umbrella of holistic health. Holistic health is a philosophy and approach to medicine that is based on the belief that there is a connection between the body, mind, spirit and emotions and that they should all be in balance. Many believe that holistic foods not only help people to stay healthy but also can help with the negative effects of medicines to cure diseases like cancer. Some prefer to call the foods balancing foods because they help in the healing process by creating better balance through nutritional value. Dr. Kim encourages patients to maintain a healthy lifestyle and balanced nutritional diet as a way to ensure the best long-term results following plastic surgery. Patients who have undergone body contouring procedures including abdominoplasty or liposuction should not become complacent and believe that nutritional choices and lifestyle choices are not critical to extending long-lasting results following their procedure. Dr. Kim unique talents and abilities as an artist allow patients to enjoy the benefits of body contouring that superior because of Dr. Kim’s ability to sculpt based on both artistic talent as well as medical surgical expertise. Patients who are considering plastic surgery procedures are encouraged to contact Dr. Kim and schedule a consultation.