Plastic Surgery Blog: Kris Jenner Shares Her Breast Implant Exchange Story
Posted on June 5, 2017Its anyones guess why reality TV show stars make the decision to include the general public in their lives. According to a recent online article Kris Jenner decided to share her breast implant exchange story with women to help others. According to the article Kris Jenner who stars alongside her daughters Kourtney, Khloe, and Kim in Keeping up with the Kardashians included her preparation to undergo breast implant exchange surgery throughout the show’s seventh season. On NBCs Today show Jenner said that she wanted to let women know that although the shots were filmed in a comical way, breast implant exchange is a serious health issue. She encouraged women to change them after 10 years. She hoped that her show would remind women to have their implants checked and exchanged. Dr. Kim explains to breast augmentation patients that breast implants whether silicone or saline are medical devices that can deflate(saline) or rupture(silicone). The long-awaited FDA approval which allowed silicone implants to be offered again in the United States included a warning for patients that breast implants are not intended to last a lifetime and that patients should be prepared to have them checked annually by their physician. Dr. Kim explains to patients that while there may not be a visible difference in their breast augmentation, this does not necessarily mean that the implants are stable . Patients who experience deflation from saline implants are advised to address the situation quickly. Patients should contact Dr. Kim and schedule a consultation when they experience a deflation immediately. Although waiting is not detrimental to the patients health (because the saline solution is safe) waiting can cause the implant to become lodged in additional scar tissue that grows and can close the breast pocket if the implant is not exchanged in a timely manner.