Plastic Surgery Blog: Lip Augmentation Doesn’t Have to Be the Kiss of Death

Plastic Surgery Blog: Lip Augmentation Doesn’t Have to Be the Kiss of Death

Posted on June 5, 2017

Plastic Surgery Blog: Lip Augmentation Doesn’t Have to Be the Kiss of DeathSouthern California is no stranger to augmented lips.Unfortunately; most people have a negative view of lip augmentation because of the many celebrities and other women who opt for an unnatural overly done appearance. According to recent industry article aging can add wrinkles to the mouth and lip that can cause a woman to look older. Many people who opt for lip augmentation do so to correct thinning lips, wrinkles around the mouth which could include small lines on the lips, or for a more full and enticing smile.  Most doctors who perform lip augmentation are typically referring to the injection of hyaluronic acid to enlarge and plump the lips. This can also be used for other depressed areas surrounding the mouth including depressions in the nasolabial folds. While these attributes can be caused naturally due to the aging process, these effects are accelerated considerably in patients who smoke and/or expose their skin to the sun. For first-time patients most plastic surgeons will opt for lighter injections to help the patient gauge better the appearance that they like best. In some cases a second treatment may be needed. Dr. Kim urges patients to communicate openly with him to determine the best lip augmentation options for them. For some patients it is best that they use a certain type of hyaluronic acid  to achieve the best long-term results. Dr. Kim is careful to help patients manage their expectations not only of the procedure but also the results. Patients should expect the results to last about 3 to 6 months. Typically hyaluronic acid that is injected into the lips does not last long as hyaluronic acid injected into the nasolabial folds. First-time patients should expect to improve the amount of time injections last with each subsequent injection. Patients who are considering lip augmentation are encouraged to contact Dr. Kim and schedule a consultation.

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