The Class Reunion Makeover
Posted on June 5, 2017It is about that time a year when some people start to consider whether or not they should attend their high school or college reunion. Social media has made this more popular mostly because of the curiosity people have in finding out what people look like and what is going on in their lives. Dr. Kim often consults with patients who are panicking about their upcoming class reunion and want to know which procedures they can have done ”quickly” that will help them look their best. Dr. Kim explains that noninvasive procedures including Botox and dermal fillers like Restylane or Juvederm can be helpful; however, their effectiveness is limited, and they are temporary. Patients who are considering procedures like breast augmentation or abdominoplasty need to consider the recovery time that is likely if their intention is to be completely healed prior to their class reunion. It is very common for patients to have these procedures performed together and the recovery time is likely to be about six weeks before the patient is socially acceptable without any” telltale signs” of cosmetic plastic surgery. Dr. Kim’s patients tell him that making the investment in plastic surgery prior to their class reunion was one of the best decisions that they ever made. Patients say that they were able to attend their reunion with greater self-confidence and an increased self-image. Its obvious when attending a class reunion that everyone has gotten older, but there is no doubt that it feels great when patients are able to look better than they did when they were in school. Dr. Kim encourages patients to schedule a consultation well in advance of their class reunion if they are considering plastic surgery procedures. Dr. Kim will help the patient schedule the procedures in accordance with their schedule so that patient expectations are met.