Who Knew? Portion Control Helps Drop The Weight?

Who Knew? Portion Control Helps Drop The Weight?

Posted on May 11, 2017

Thanks to the obesity epidemic portion control has become the buzzword for the decade. According to a recent article the portion control plan is a five-step approach that uses a measured system designed to take the guesswork out of dieting.  The co-creator of the program Myles Berkowitz, claims that the regimen allows for larger portions that are likely to help people feel more full and discourage them from snacking.We want you just to focus on one thing: And that’s how much you’re eating, Berkowitz said. What happens is you leave the table fully satisfied, so for the rest of the day, in between your meals, you’re not grazing on food. The program is called Life-Size and allows for dishes like two scoops of macaroni and cheese with salad. The program is worked for many participants and according to Berkowitz there’s more than just patient testimonials to back that up. The Life-Size program and Life-Size tools were tested at Colorado State University and they discovered that people are eating an average of 500 cal less than they were eating before starting the program. 500 less calories equals about 1 pound of fat lost each week. Experts noted that you do not need a structured plan to keep track of your portions. Household items can help to guide you as well. For example a golf ball is a great way to visualize a portion size of peanut butter. A deck of cards is a great way to think about a portion of proteins like beef or chicken. The average sized breast is representative of about half a cup which is sufficient for proportioning pasta. Many portions of premium ice cream and tiny containers for nuts are also helpful in measuring high calorie food. Using smaller plates works well in controlling the amount of food that you eat. The bottom line is that it’s not always what you eat that matters but rather how much you eat. Denying life pleasures is not necessary. Having smaller quantities, and getting the correct amount of nutrition and each meal will ensure that cravings don’t add two extra snacking later in the day. Dr. Kim consults with patients who are considering alternative ways to improve their appearance after weight loss. For many patients there could be significant sagging of the breast or loose and lax skin on the abdomen. For these patients Dr. Kim may recommend an abdominoplasty to improve the look and contour of the abdomen or a breast lift to improve the overall appearance and contour of the breast. Patients who are considering these procedures following weight loss are encouraged to contact Dr. Kim and schedule a consultation.

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